* We believe that god calls us to his life, his freedom and his peace.
* We commit ourselves to being a community marked by humility, celebration, and a willingness to go where ever God would take us.
* In a desire to live true life we recognise out own weaknesses and covenant with God to be open to his working in our lives.
* We want to take our corporate worship seriously.
* We want to listen attentively both to God and to each other.
* We want to be generous of spirit in attitudes, hospitality and finance.
* We want to be courageous witnesses for our Master, Jesus, Christ, with our being and with our words.
* We want to seek reconciliation through bridge-building and peace –making where ever God enables.
* We want to show grace in thought and words.
* We want to be holy in though, word and action.
* We want to be faithful and loyal to each other.
So we commit ourselves to serve each other, love each other, believe the best of each other and live in honesty and integrity together.