St Hugh’s vision is very much wrapped in witnessing to Christ's presence in this part of Northolt. We believe that the church is here at Gods will as a demonstration of His answer to prayer. It is to His glory that it has always been a place of sanitary and international fellowship. With the diversity of the local population and provision of refugee housing on the local estate that “ sanctuary” role has never been felt more.
For the past couple of years the church has undertaken major “fabric” repairs/improvements. The most argent was the re-wiring of the church and the removal of the ceiling to allow lighting installation. Also new radiators were fitted. This work required dedicated fundraising and moving services in to the hall while the work was done.
We followed this by raising funds for a church bell which along with the new notice board were dedicated by Bishop Pete recently. The bell rings 5 times a day as a witness to the Benedictine model of prayer and with new exterior lighting the church is more visible.